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E-learning Video

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E-learning videos production for effective training


The conclusion is clear – video is by far the most popular tool or media for online training. In any elearning course (either via Moodle or other), you will need videos. Filming trainers in interview mode, while they explain their theory, is the easiest video format to create.


But, as all trainers are not talented actors, it is difficult to manage to capture and hold the audience for hours of content.


Learning solution: the ingredients of successful online training:

  • Interest, capture attention
  • Explain the theory simply
  • Illustrate to demonstrate concretely
  • Keep attention to the end
  • Get real understanding
  • This should result in excellent retention


The proven effectiveness of the hand-drawn explainer video


In the panoply of available tools for e-learning courses, the hand-drawn explainer video stands out due to its effectiveness, for 5 main reasons.


1. As the drawing is created little by little in front of your eyes, it makes you instinctively want to see the end and so holds your attention.

2. Graphic metaphors, tailor-made, perfectly illustrate each key concept and demonstrate it with an example.

3. There is an excellent balance between oral theory and concrete explanation, demonstration in practice with the video content.

4. The pace and speed change, which holds attention.

5. The production cost per minute or hour can be tailored to the budget as we’ll see in a moment
Hand-drawn explainer video gives excellent results because it has these assets and one last essential factor – interest!

The fun aspect, inspired by the comic-book style and the talent of the Illustrator, allows the viewer’s real interest to be caught and he can be brought to learn while having fun.
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Your partner for effective e-learning videos


After creating more than 1000 hand-drawn explainer videos, mainly for the internal communication of large companies, VideoTelling has developed richand great know-how in professional video-learning.


Telling a story that captures attention…
Explaining from the spectator’s point of view,
Summarizing the key data while adding a little fun

The need to save time – Want to be efficient –
Improve your relational excellence – and your ability to influence

Our ADN, our values, our secret


Our e-learning managers have worked both in in-company training, in school tutoring or as teachers in the educational system and have studied foreign educational systems.
However, it’s the application of the golden rules of Web-marketing, which means testing and measuring what works, which has led us to a very pragmatic method, with no wild theories…


Elearning video tips: our pedagogy is based on 3 key principles:


Avoid jargon because « misunderstood » words will make viewers’ interest drop.
Balance a theoretical idea with its practical demonstration.

Have a gentle approach, step by step, allowing gradual assimilation of the subject.

I’ll tell you a secret. The three points which I’ve just given above seem obvious and obviously every good trainer or learning designer applies them…

Nothing could be further from the truth!

The first principle (no misunderstood word) is constantly being violated! You can check it for yourself. In some e-learning modules, acronyms, technical terms, proper nouns and buzzwords are everywhere. And these words, understood only by a small minority, are happily employed, without being explained or without a lexicon that is accessible in one click. It is however the first cause of disappointing results in any training.


Our golden rule for successful e-learning videos:


We always define new and complicated words progressively. We avoid all those that are not absolutely essential. And we always insist that the viewer has access to a simple and complete lexicon. The understanding of your text by your team of students is based on the respect of that rule during the creation process.

Students finish more modules, more quickly, memorization is excellent and the rate of successful application is significantly higher than the average.
See some completed videos


Price list for creation of e-learning videos:


VideoTelling designs videos from A to Z, in 5 steps:

  1. Design/copywriting
  2. Storyboard
  3. Illustrations
  4. Recording of the voice actors
  5. Video editing

In order to become your video partner for e-learning courses and offer you the most competitive rates, you can perform some steps yourself, or together with us, including the copywriting and storyboard steps.
So we can create videos based either on your brief or on your video interviews to improve them (adding a « drawings » layer superimposed on the trainer to illustrate the point being explained), or based on your storyboard. Everything is possible regarding our collaboration.


Various styles of e-learning videos available


We offer 3 types of video of various durations for online training:
1. Teaser video to encourage students to do a module and to present it. Short format of 30 to 100 sec. Rate from €800 to €3000 depending on duration and technical choices.
2. Summary video which summarizes a module but which can also be used as an intro to encourage students to do it. Medium format from 2 minutes to 5 minutes. Rate from €3000 to €6000 depending on duration and choice
3. Video training module. Long format from 3 minutes to 20 minutes. Price from €500 to €1500 €/min.
The variation in rates depends on the intensity of the required animation, use or not of automatic animation software on whiteboard, the creation of original drawings coupled with thousands of drawings from our proprietary database…


Of course every project needs to be costed and estimated, but these rates allow you to get an idea on how to best integrate the impact of the drawn video and its beneficial value for money.


Learning while having fun, that’s the ideal.
Telling stories in drawn video is the solution.

Get your free quote !



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